English Language Teaching

This page has material developed by me at the Language Learning Centre at IIT Delhi to teach English as a second language.

Listening and Writing Skills II [Level: undergraduate]

Winter semester 2024, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Topics Teaching Material
Lecture 1: Introduction — Learning languages handout
Lectures 2: Personal identity handout
Lectures 3: Ambiguity and Being Concise and Precise handout
Lecture 4: Indian whispers and free-writing handout
Lectures 5: Recipes, boardgames & Experiments (Part I) handout
Lecture 6: Recipes, boardgames & Experiments (Part II) handout
Lecture 7: “Who we are” and Claudia Goldin on Freakonomics Radio handout
Lecture 8: Identifying cohesion and coherence in writing - I handout
Lecture 9: Identifying cohesion and coherence in writing - I handout
Lecture 10 (Type 1): Critical reading with “Lamb to the slaughter” handout
Lecture 10 (Type 2): Critical reading with “What is math?” handout
Lecture 11: Profiling a group contesting elections handout

Listening and Writing Skills I [Level: undergraduate]

Monsoon semester 2024, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Topics Teaching Material
Lecture 05 (Type 1): English articles: Their distribution and function handout